macOS Sequoia compatibility

macOS Sequoia compatibility

We are currently researching compatibility of our products with macOS Sequoia and have therefore added a compatibility list to our website.

If a product is not supported or still supported, we strongly recommend that you remain on current versions of macOS until the compatibility list is updated with your product. If your system is running flawlessly and you don't experience any issues either, we also recommend not to update.

Product Software Status
Beatmix 2 Serato DJ Lite Supported
Beatmix 2 MK2 Serato DJ Lite Supported
Beatmix 4 Serato DJ Lite Supported
Beatmix 4 MK2 Serato DJ Lite Supported
Beatpad 1 djay Pro Supported
Beatpad 2 djay Pro Supported
Buddy djay Pro Supported
ELITE Serato DJ Pro Supported
FLUX Serato DJ Pro Supported
iPhono 2 Core Audio Supported
KUT Core Audio Supported
Mixon 4 Serato DJ Pro Supported
Mixon 4 djay Pro Supported
Mixon 8 Pro Serato DJ Pro Supported
Mixon 8 Pro djay Pro Supported
Mixtour djay Pro Supported
Mixtour Pro djay Pro Supported
NEON Serato DJ Pro Supported
Ready Serato DJ Lite Supported
Ready djay Pro Supported
RMX-90 DVS Serato DJ Pro Supported
RMX-95 djay Pro Supported
RP-2000 USB MK2 Core Audio Supported
RP-8000 Serato DJ Pro Supported
RP-8000 MK2 Serato DJ Pro Supported
Terminal Mix 2 Serato DJ Lite Supported
Terminal Mix 4 Serato DJ Lite Supported
Terminal Mix 8 Serato DJ Pro Supported
TOUCH VirtualDJ Under testing
Legacy products Unsupported

UPDATED: 29th October 2024